Tips For How To MBTI Type People Effectively

Tips for MBTI TypingTyping people is both a science and art. You extract meta-information about people and find a way to piece it together to figure out their type and the tendencies that arise from them being that type. Knowing someone’s type gives you useful tips that lets you clearly see the unique qualities that should be appreciated about a person that they may not even realize they have!

You may have already seen the You’re Analyzing MBTI Type Wrong post, where I outlined some tips for typing people the right way, after dispelling common misconceptions when it comes to MBTI typing.

Now, I would like to delve into more general tips and observations to help you identify people’s MBTI type. Some of these tips require basic knowledge of cognitive functions in relation to MBTI.

  • Extroverts tend to weigh more than introverts. A possible explanation for why this may be the case is that extroverts are more prone to interacting with the world externally to relieve themselves, which can result in them eating more food than introverts. However, be aware that an introvert or extrovert can be any weight.
  • Extroverts tend to have more welcoming faces in general. Research has shown that most people are able to predict a person’s extraversion among other qualities by looking at photos with their basic intuition.
  • Dominant Si (ISTJ/ISFJ) users tend to have a more blank, dull expression on their faces when going about their day. It’s hard for them to express the undefined values they abide by, but when those lines are crossed in something they come across, they instinctively know and fight against it.
  • Dominant Ni (INTJ/INFJ) users tend to have a more intense look on their faces. They tend to be more reserved with their ideas overall and like to absorb. INTJ/INFJ can be hard to identify as they selectively share their information like all introverts, but to a greater extent than the others.
  • Dominant Ti (INTP/ISTP) users tend to have a more serious but not intense (like the dominant Ni users) look on their faces. Their Se/Ne/Fe makes them more prone to interacting with the world in amicable ways similar to that of a feeler, but you will usually get the sense that they are logical thinkers that are adding onto their technical reservoir of information.
  • Dominant Fi users (ISFP/INFP) usually have emotions that are easily visible when what they are feeling is intense. However, both types make an effort to suppress and hide what they feel in stranger settings. In these cases, you can find them intently looking with analyzing eyes, “feeling” things out.
  • Dominant Fe (ESFJ/ENFJ) users tend to have more composed faces in general but when they are exerting their Fe (like through talking or even dancing), their eyes light up more noticeably. This is also present in the ISFJ but arises comparatively less. The ESFJs language is usually ambassador-like, careful not to hurt others feelings, while the ENFJ is similar but more likely to cross the line to directly express what they think, if they believe it’s necessary for the growth of the individual they are interacting with.
  • Dominant Te users (ENTJ/ESTJ) are easily identified with their tendency to be unsettlingly direct and their willingness to let you know what they think. They usually have an opinion on most things.
  • Dominant Se (ESFP/ESTP) users tend to seem more “picture ready” at all times compared to most other types. Their bodies seem ready to move at a moment’s notice as well and are more prone to using body language to express their feelings.
  • Dominant Ne (ENFP/ENTP) users have no problem playing with uncertainty, which can be unsettling to some types. They naturally tend to poke at people’s comments that are said with certainty, bringing up other variables that may not have been considered. They can find joy in combating ideas presented to them (more common in ENTPs) or adding on to it (more common in ENFPs), but overall depending on how they feel at the moment.







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