Tag: cognitive functions

  • “Flow” and Cognitive Functions

    Flow from a psychological perspective, is understood as a “mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity”, otherwise known as “being in the zone”. Many regard flow as a key to achieving happiness in…

  • Settling the Beef Between Extroverted Feeling and Introverted Feeling

    Between Extroverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Feeling (Fi) types, oftentimes there arises conflict very similar to that between Extroverted Thinking (Te) and Introverted Thinking (Ti) types. Fi types tend to see Fe as fake and manipulative, while Fe types often see Fi as selfish, burdensome, and insensitive towards others. In underdeveloped Fi and Fe types,…

  • Rick From Rick & Morty Is An INTP

    Rick is 100% an INTP. And people who think he is an INTJ, ENTP or ENTJ have a poor understanding of type functions and the characteristics that typically emerge from each type. Reasons why Rick Is Not An INTJ Rick is often seen using deductive reasoning throughout the show. This is completely different from the…

  • Hunter-Gatherer Tribe Theory

    Hunter-Gatherer Tribe Theory Why do MBTI types even exist in the first place? Why did it become necessary in our genetic evolution for our bodies and minds to become shaped in a certain cognitive function line? What benefits are there for an INTJ to have dominant introverted intuition with auxiliary extraverted thinking while an ESTP…

  • INTP Personality Biases Examined

    Given the qualities of the INTPs first two cognitive functions, introverted thinking and extroverted intuition, it may seem like INTPs ought to be open-minded by nature. Many INTPs would likely take pride in this, but they fail to realize what everyone else around them sees: they have very strong biases. The reason for this is…

  • Beware Of Chasing The Social Shadow

    You may have already learned about the Enneagram Shadow in one of the earlier posts but if you haven’t, you should definitely check it out to make sense of the following content. You would also ideally be educated on the basics of cognitive functions and other personality type-related items. It is postulated that along with…

  • Tips For How To MBTI Type People Effectively

    Typing people is both a science and art. You extract meta-information about people and find a way to piece it together to figure out their type and the tendencies that arise from them being that type. Knowing someone’s type gives you useful tips that lets you clearly see the unique qualities that should be appreciated about…

  • Which MBTI Types Are The Most Curious?

    A general trend you can expect for the most curious types, is that they tend to be dominant and auxiliary extroverted intuitive types. Extroverted intuiting is a perceiving function that is dedicated towards finding the bigger meaning behind the surface details, making this function one of the most innately curious functions possible. As a result, when…

  • The Weaknesses of Each Dominant Function

    The dominant function surfaces early in the life of each individual, helping them to navigate the world with their natural understanding of that cognitive function. However, as you grow older, you are supposed to develop the other functions you have, to reach individuation. However, some choose to rely excessively on their dominant function throughout their lives.…

  • Ruminations on Individuation regarding MBTI Cognitive Functions

    What exactly does it mean to reach individuation in relation to our cognitive functions? To attempt an answer to this question about individuation, I will first explain some basic terms/ideas to make the meaning of this question more easily digestible. According to Carl Jung’s understanding – the father of analytical psychology: Individuation – is known as the…