Which MBTI Types Are Likely To Have Addictions?

MBTI Addictions

From my personal experiences, each type seems to display similar tendencies when it comes to their addictions. Below I have listed the likelihood of the MBTI types to fall under addictions and the reasons I have noticed for them.

High Likelihood of Addiction:


ENTP/ESTP – These types tend to get addicted because of their curiosity and need for new experiences. They also have a tendency for “just do it” kind of mentalities where they have little regret trying things at-least once (which is also shared with some INTPs), which can sometimes lead to higher instances of addiction.

ESFJ/ENFP/ESFP – These types are the most likely to be influenced by their social circle, and are more likely to mix with many different crowds of people, which could lead them into a higher chance of addiction.

INTJ/INFJ – INTJ/INFJ’s tend to become very stressed out, especially in youth, and also have a curious taste like other N types. All of this leads to higher instances of addiction.

INTP – INTPs have lots of curiosity. More commonly among males than females, they especially tend to enjoy psychedelics such as marijuana and LSD because it plays with their mind.

Moderate Likelihood of Addiction:


ISTP – They have an exploratory nature but the ISTPs family values will dictate their attitude towards addicting things.

INFP/ISFP – They will be curious but how they feel about the addictive materials predominately dictate whether they do it or not, although their social environment can also have a huge impact on their decisions.

ENTJ – They will do addicting things like drinking for work purposes or if they are really down but then it may spiral out of control.

Low Likelihood of Addiction:


ENFJ – They would rather exercise and other healthy things like actually talking to people. They will likely be the ones chastising you for not keeping your body as great as they do, if not the ISTJ/ISFJ/ESTJ.

ISTJ/ISFJ/ESTJ – They are too scared to try addicting things because they acknowledge their tendency to fall in a rut. These types like to participate in legal addictions like caffeine and drinking. If they develop a serious addiction, it can get ugly.







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