Tag: fun

  • Rick From Rick & Morty Is An INTP

    Rick is 100% an INTP. And people who think he is an INTJ, ENTP or ENTJ have a poor understanding of type functions and the characteristics that typically emerge from each type. Reasons why Rick Is Not An INTJ Rick is often seen using deductive reasoning throughout the show. This is completely different from the…

  • The Spending Habits of Each MBTI Type

    Each MBTI type sees life a little differently when it comes to money and tends to develop different habits when it comes to spending. These are the habits of each MBTI type when it comes to spending money. ISTJ: ISTJs are classic nest-builders. They tend to be frugal and spend little on luxury goods compared…

  • MBTI Types As Spirit Animals

    MBTI Types As Spirit Animals Ever wondered what your MBTI animal type was? Find out which furry friend you may be connected to. INTP – Owl Touted as wise and sometimes cranky, INTPs are exemplary nocturnal owls. ISTP – Cat Strategic troublemakers fit the description of an ISTP.

  • What Each MBTI Type is Like When Single on Valentines Day

    Each type reacts differently to Valentines day especially when they’re single. Wondering how your MBTI type of interest might be thinking? INTJ: “I don’t care, holidays are social constructs that are made up and arbitrary. (But secretly, I care a little bit)” ENTJ: “I could probably set up shop at that corner and start selling…